Thursday’s Things: My Top 100

This weekend, I needed a notebook. So I went to the office and pulled one off the bookshelf. I got to looking through it and found a list I had started. We were at an event 2 years ago, and we were challenged to come up with our top 100 things we want to do in our lifetime. Micah and I each started one, but only got to #30 or so. Then I saw A Walk To Remember last night on TV, and she has a similar list. So I figured I would finish my list for this week’s Thursday’s Things! So, in no particular order, here goes!

  1. Write a book.
  2. Become fluent in Portuguese.
  3. Go to Rome.
  4. Learn to swim (correctly).
  5. Take a painting class.
  6. Take a pottery class.
  7. Swim with dolphins.
  8. Visit Auschwitz.
  9. Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef.
  10. Do mission work in Brazil.
  11. Design our house from start to finish.
  12. Be a stay-at-home mom.
  13. Homeschool my children.
  14. Stand on the Great Wall of China.
  15. Adopt a child from a 3rd world country.
  16. Tour Jerusalem.
  17. Attend an NBA finals game.
  18. Attend an Alabama National Championship game.
  19. Learn some form of martial arts.
  20. Learn Italian (at least conversationally)
  21. Visit Pompeii.
  22. Become an expert in a Biblical subject.
  23. Run/walk a marathon.
  24. Tour castles in Scotland.
  25. Retrace the apostle Paul’s missionary journeys.
  26. Learn to play piano.
  27. Go to Egypt.
  28. See a moose in real life. (Not too close though…I hear they’re bullies. =/ )
  29. Learn Spanish.
  30. Learn sign language.
  31. Memorize the Sermon on the Mount.
  32. Visit Hawaii.
  33. Develop a habit of sending cards on a regular basis.
  34. Learn to use PhotoShop.
  35. Go to Japan.
  36. Stand on top of the Eiffel Tower.
  37. See the Parthenon.
  38. Learn German (at least conversationally).
  39. Move back to Huntsville.
  40. Play in a volleyball league.
  41. Go on an African safari.      ……..(This is already getting hard….I’m in trouble!)………
  42. Surprise Micah with tickets to an NBA All-Star weekend.
  43. Breed Mini Aussie puppies (at least once).
  44. Pay cash for my childrens’ college educations (even if they choose Freed).
  45. Learn to crochet.
  46. Learn to sew.
  47. Have 3 kids….maybe 4.
  48. Visit Machu Pichu.
  49. Go to the Louvre.
  50. Speak at a ladies’ conference.
  51. Put together a ladies’ class curriculum.
  52. Memorize the book of James (again…I’ve forgotten most of it).
  53. Coordinate a wedding from beginning to end. (Mine doesn’t count.)
  54. Win a photography contest.
  55. Work as an interior designer (even though it may be for a short time before I have kids).
  56. Teach English as a second language.
  57. Coach a youth volleyball team.
  58. Laser hair removal….I hate shaving.
  59. Have a crafting room…and actually use it.
  60. Go see American Idol live.
  61. Go to Washington DC. (I’ve been once, but I was really young.)
  62. Beat Doodle Fill! (it’s a new game I’ve discovered, and it is frustrating me greatly at the moment…)
  63. Get to and maintain the weight I was when I got married.
  64. Get into the habit of working out (and actually enjoying it).
  65. Own the entire collection of Disney DVDs.
  66. Work with the youth in Brazil, possibly through a camp.
  67. Short term missions to Mexico.
  68. See how long I can go without chocolate.
  69. Pay off all debt before I’m 30, and never incur any more. Ever.
  70. Keep a journal.
  71. Write a “journal” to each of my kids from the time I find out I’m expecting until they receive it on their 18th birthday.
  72. Keep up-to-date on scrapbooks for my kids.
  73. Have an article published in a magazine. Probably Christian Woman.
  74. Take my parents and in-laws on a trip somewhere.
  75. Flip a house.                           ………………….(So close!)………………..
  76. Get a really nice camera.
  77. Understand the symbolism in the book of Revelation.
  78. See Evita on Broadway.
  79. Make it a habit to blog at least 3 times a week, if not more.
  80. Get a big dog, like a Great Dane or something like that.
  81. Pay cash for a vehicle.
  82. Read the whole list of classic books that I posted a while back. I’ve got 21 out of 100 so far.
  83. Attend a UFC fight, preferably a Georges St. Pierre title fight. =)
  84. Publish a compilation of quotes.
  85. Be confident as a public speaker.
  86. Finish all of my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. Then maybe I’ll try to do it all by Halloween. =)
  87. Raise my children to be active leaders in the church.
  88. Go on a Disney cruise.
  89. Learn some basic woodworking skills.
  90. Take my sister with us on our next trip to Brazil.
  91. Learn to be less of a picky eater. (Well on my way with this one!)
  92. Go on a whale-watching expedition.
  93. Visit all 50 states. (Not just drive through. I want to see something unique in every state.)
  94. Spend a week at Peter Island.
  95. Do an in-depth study of every book of the Bible.
  96. Have a Bible study with someone that leads to their baptism.
  97.  Go on a $1000 shopping spree.
  98.  Go parasailing.
  99.  Get a cat and name him Jarvis.
  100. Go to Heaven. =)
That was harder than I thought it would be. What about you? What is on your list???

3 thoughts on “Thursday’s Things: My Top 100

  1. Valerie,

    This list has inspired me. I’ve also considered doing something like this in the past, and need to make it happen.

    As I read these, I can’t tell you how similar your list is to our values, too! We are going to homeschool our children. Our daughter is adopted (though not from the 3rd world), and we are debt free with no plans of ever going back.

    Of course, I was most excited to see so many of your items dealing with the Bible and church. You and Micah are so great to be around because that is your emphasis!

    The only one I didn’t like was that “move back to Huntsville” one!!!


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